Healthy water. Healthy people. Wai ora. Tangata ora.

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About the Water Services Authority - Taumata Arowai
The Water Services Authority - Taumata Arowai is the water services regulator for Aotearoa New Zealand. We are committed to ensuring all communities have access to safe and reliable drinking water every day. We also have an oversight role in relation to the environmental performance of public drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater networks.
Ko Taumata Arowai te kaiwhakarite ratonga wai mō Aotearoa. Ko te āheinga ki te wai inu haumaru ia rā mō ngā hāpori tā mātou e ū nei. Waihoki, ko mātou tētahi o ngā kaitiaki o te wai inu tūmatanui, me ngā hononga waipara, waiāwha hoki.

Te Mana o te Wai
Ko te kaupapa o Te Mana o te Wai, ko te mahi ngātahi ki te tiaki i te wai
Te Mana o te Wai is about working together to protect the wai